Send them a treat they can't resist with our Designer's Choice Wrapped bouquet! This is the perfect way to say hello and put a smile on their face. With fresh flowers from PRINCESS FLOWERS & BOUTIQUE and a little bit of love, this bouquet is sure to brighten their day! Surprise someone you love today.
This bright bouquet is full of charm! The hot pink rose and bicolor pink carnations create a striking pair, contrasting beautifully with the greenery. Great for all occasions, they’ll think they’re dreaming when they receive Hot Pink Dream!
White Coffee Mug, Foliage: Galax, Eucalyptus, Ming Fern, Pale Pink Larkspur, White & Pink Alstroemeria, Lavender Carnations, White Aster (Monte Casino), Golden Yellow Daisy Poms.
Recognize the hardworking people in your life... At work, reward support staff or a co-worker. At home, surprise your Dad to boost his day or show appreciation to a steadfast friend. Give them a great perk for the hard work they do every day! Send flowers!
Here at PRINCESS FLOWERS & BOUTIQUE, we know that graduating from high school or college is no easy task, and we are here to help you and your favorite graduate celebrate their big accomplishment. Let them know they are in your thoughts as they take on the next step in their journey into adulthood with a floral arrangement that is as brilliant as they are. Congratulate them with an arrangement that matches their school colors, or go with a beautiful mix of some of their favorite colors. Browse through some of our Graduation Flower Arrangements to find the perfect graduation gift.